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Young Toddlers

Our toddler program consists of two classrooms.


The first classroom is filled with a group of younger toddlers who are just beginning to walk; who are learning and developing so rapidly, every day is different from the last.  During this time in a child’s development, providing a variety of physical and cognitive learning experiences is essential.


Our second classroom has a group of older, highly mobile toddlers.  These toddlers are forming their first words, experimenting with trial-and-error to solve problems, and learning to function as a part of a group.  In this classroom, a more structured schedule is implemented and the children participate in a variety of planned large and small group, as well as one-on-one, activities.  All of your child’s daily activities are written on the white board which you can view during pick-up each evening.


Our toddler program has four goals for your child: to learn about his or her self and others, to learn about moving, to learn about the world, and to learn about communicating.  Each of these goals has several objectives that include regulating own behavior, learning to be a member of a group, learning and understanding how objects can be used, and developing language skills.  Our teachers use these goals and objects to measure your child’s development and provide you with feedback.


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